More Early Modern Women Adventurers (… and others)

You read my post about Mary Ambree and Dianne Dugaw’s scholarship on women warriors in popular 16th-18th century English culture, and now you want more, you say? You’re in luck: the excellent Stuff you Missed in History Class podcast (which I listen to a lot these days, while driving) has made a few pertinent episodes recently. Here they are: Catalina de Erauso, “the Lieutenant Nun.” Not English, in this case—she was what ended up being called Basque—but a fascinating figure all the same, she was a runaway from a convent (and not actually a nun) as well as a cross-dressing …

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Listen to “Improperly Prepared Blowfish”

Well, one of the first stories I sold professionally has finally been podcast over at Machine of Death. Download/listen to it here, and my thoughts and reflections about the story here. Brett Donnelly did a great narration, and I’m pleased with it! For those who missed the news, I also have a story forthcoming in the next volume of the series, though I’ve no idea when that’s coming out…

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Hugo Bids? Send the Sofa Some Love

I’m not really campaigning for a Hugo or a Nebula or anything like that, folks. 2009 was a very slow year for me, and the short story competition is huge. I love both of my published stories from 2009, but I’m much more excited about the stories coming out in 2010. Still, I guess I’m duty-bound to point out that “Cai and Her Ten Thousand Husbands” (at Apex) and “Of Melei, of Ulthar” (at Clarkesworld) are my two eligible stories. However, I wanted to draw attention to the bid Starship Sofa is making for Best Fanzine nomination. This isn’t just …

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Sofanauts 3!

Hey, so the new podcast over at Starship Sofa — Sofanauts, which is a sort of remote-pub-chat about SF — is up, and I’m one of the people in on the discussion, along with the wonderfully opiniontastic Jeremy Tolbert (now of Escape Pod) and the inimitable voice talent Ray Sizemore, as well as The Tony himself. The discussion ranges from Nebula Award winners and Locus Award shortlist to The Singularity, gaming as literature, and sentimentality about Heinlein “juveniles.” It’s the first time I’ve done anything like this, and I’m appropriately confused and scattered at points — I’m not much of …

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