- My Thoughts on SF in Korea (How and Why They’ve Changed)
- It’s Not Just the Lateness of Industrialization: How and Why Korean SF Doesn’t Quite Work
- Why SF Has Failed to Put Down Roots in Korea, Part I: To Start With, Questions…
- K-Raelians plus The Dreams Our Stuff Is Made Of: How Science Fiction Conquered the World by Thomas M. Disch, and The Men Who Stare At Goats by Jon Ronson
- To All SF Geeks in Korea With [Patient or Interested] Korean Other Halves
- PiFan Book Fair: SF/Fantasy/Horror/Thriller novels and Magazines… in Korean!
- The KOFA 괴수 대백과
- Star Wars ROK Rock
- 2008 SF&F Festival (Seoul)?
- Reading The Host in Context, Part 1
- Reading The Host in Context, Part 2: How I Read The Host
- Seoul 2008 SF&F Festival Report
- Trope Salad and Penis Guns and Indie SF Films… No, Really.
- Matt on Symmetry in The Host
- Done, Fun, Thinking Some
- More SF Goodness, Including a Bunch of Korean SF in Translation…
- How Candlegirl and V Took on 2MB
- From Mt. Sobaek
- SOAO Workshop 2009 Pictures Up
- The SOAO Workshop @ Sobaeksan
- My Research Plan Application (Argh!) and a New Korean SF Organization (Yay!)
- Worth Reading, March ’09
- No Surprise
- Korea Society Talk on Robo Taekwon V
- “SF in South Korea Today” — Article Live
- Guest Blog on Global SF & Translation @ Apex
- Party Last Night
- Orcs!
- Star Wars: 스타워즈 프로젝트 컴필레이션 (2008)
- Outsider Writing
- Wackiest Korean Book I Ever Bought
- Geek Out
- Boyran, a novel by “World’s Youngest Fantasy Writer Wonje Song”
- 박민규의 지구 영웅 전설과 카스테라
- If Only I Were Part Robot…
- Dancing Stormtroopers in Seoul?
- [Literary] SF: A Social Phenomenon (Plus Some Detours)
- Addendum to [Literary] SF: A Social Phenomenon (Plus Some Detours)
- Addendum #2 to [Literary] SF: A Social Phenomenon (Plus Some Detours)
- Coming Soon: Gwacheon International SF Film Festival!
- 초능력자
- More About Korean SF, and Some Dougal Dixon Links
- Forthcoming Papers on Korean SF, “Good Night,” and a Summary of “Another Undiscovered Country”
- Vampires, Confucianism, Christianity’s Latent Monarchism, and the Translation of Sociohorror
- 천군 (Heaven’s Soldiers) revisited: Hanmura Ryō’s Sengoku Jieitai (戦国自衛隊), 독재자 (Dictator), and more Korean SF News
- 7광구 (Sector 7) — Setting Korean SF Back Decades
- Some Notes For Korean Film Companies Considering an SF Film Project
- Coming Soon: “Invasion of Alien Bikini”
- Gunpla Advertisement Analysis, and 우뢰매!
- Invasion of Alien Bikini, or, I Feel Sick
- Cantico del Seoul
- New Korean SF Movie(s)! 인류멸망보고서 / Doomsday Book
- 미래경 (Futuroscope) #3 Has Arrived
- Seoul SF&F Library — Relocated!
- Upcoming Korean SF Film: AM 11:00
- Korean “Disaster” Films: 연가시 / Deranged
- Seoul Cthulhu Festival of Film: 28 Feb 2012
- 사이코메트리 [Psychometry] — The Gifted Hands (2013)
- Seoul Comics World Convention #114 (December 2012)
- Korea in English-Language SF
- Articles on Korean SF in _list Magazine
- Asia’s First Steampunk Art Exhibition
- A.M. 11:00 (11 A.M.)
- Korean SF Festival 2014
- An Evolutionary Myth by Bo-Young Kim
- Old Movie Promo Posters in Korea
- Readymade Bodhisattva, “The Flowering,” Los Angeles/Riverside, and More
- “The Peppers of GreenScallion,” and More
- Korean SF 2020: A Rushed Update
- Boyoung Kim’s “An Evolutionary Myth”: Reviews and Comments, and Audio Version
- Djuna Interview Up at Clarkesworld
- A Lovely Discussion of a Lovely Story

Those tracking Korean SF might be pleased to note that the Gwacheon International SF Film Festival I blogged about a while back--and which has continued over the years since–has expanded into a kind of Korean SF Festival, full stop. There’s a big film component, but there seems to be much more than screenings and an exhibit nowadays, which is great! It runs from the 26 September to 5 October this year, and is being held at the same spot as the year I attended: the Gwacheon Science Museum which is a very good venue, as long as you don’t mind the trek out to Gwacheon.
Here’s a link to the Festival’s website. For now, it’s Korean-only, though it appears an English version of the site is in the works.
Films are still a big part of the event, of course, and screenings this year include Cocoon, Contact, 2001: A Space Odyssey, District 9, Dark Matter, Under the Skin, a Korean-language documentary titled Mangwondong Satellite, and the wonderful Monsters, among others–and including several Korean short SF films, and one American short as well. (The full list of films is here, and Google Translate does a not bad job if you can’t read Korean.)
But there’s also a whole bunch of talks and forum discussions, exhibits, and even an awards ceremony on October 3rd, for what seems to be a new set of Korea-specific, SF-only awards (billed as the Korean equivalent of the Hugos) in four categories:
- Dramatic Presentation (film/TV series)
- Comics/Webtoons
- Short stories
- Novels
A couple of observations:
- There are no awards for magazines or fanzines or fan work, or translations from foreign languages to Korean.I imagine the latter omission can be explained on the basis of the idea that these awards are aimed at stimulating the production of original creative SF work within Korea, though translation is such a big part of the development of SF in Korea right now that I was still surprised. Then again, perhaps the eligibility for awards that SF translators enjoy elsewhere is a justification, as well.The lack of a magazine or fanzine award, though, I’m not so sure about. I suppose the line between fan publications and “pro” publications is less clear in Korea right now, and there are so few fanzines and magazines that categories for them might seem pointless… or maybe the organizers decided to focus the awards in categories where there would be more competition. I’m not sure, but it seems to me that encouraging publishers (both of magazines/webzines, and fanzines) would be nice too, eventually. This isn’t a bad start, though.
- There isn’t any information on the process of nominations, though there is information about eligibility rules. (Very approximately, it notes that work appearing online and offline between the beginning of 2013 and May 2014 was eligible this year.)
- This page includes a quick profile of the five members on the jury for the awards. Which is to say that, though the awards are compared to the Hugos on the award, it’s not actually fan-vote like the Hugos: it’s a juried prize, judged by a panel with five members.
Those are observations, note, not criticisms. I think it’s a great idea to have a Korea-specific SF award. I do wish that it had a snappier name, like the Seuin Awards in Japan, though! Anyway, you can see a list of the nominees here. While it’s nice to see Snowpiercer made the final list, it’s even more gratifying to see a couple of my friends made the list of finalists in the fiction categories!
Sadly, I won’t be in Korea this fall, so I won’t be able to drop by, though if you’re in Korea, you should check it out.
Thanks for the info! I hope to check it out. I wonder if either of Jin’s publishers will be involved.
No worries! Yeah, I thought it might interest you. Would have tagged you on the post over on Facebook if you hadn’t piped up within a few days. :)
I couldn’t make it this year, but I’ll make an effort for next year.
No worries! How are you, anyway?